Today will be a sunny day with a high of 62 degrees. Winds will range from 10-14 mph, with gusts reaching up to 22 mph. There does not seem to be any expected precipitation today. Overall it will be a nice sunny Sunday!
High pressure will move into the area tonight causing dry conditions and light winds. There will be a low of 34 degrees and it will be mostly clear.
Tomorrow (Monday):
On Monday, the high pressure mentioned earlier will move offshore. It will be mostly sunny with a high of 59 degrees. Low pressure and a cold front will move into the area Monday night. At night it will be mostly clear with a low of 33 degrees .
A Look Ahead:
Looking ahead, this week looks to be pretty dry up until Saturday. Highs will be mostly in the 50s or high 40s. A cold front will be moving into the area on Tuesday, which may cause Tuesday and Wednesday to be a little windy, but overall not as windy as this past Saturday.