Morning Update: Cold Rain :(


Today, expect a cold, wet start to your day in College Park as rain begins in the morning and continues into the afternoon. Winds are moderate, coming out of the north at 15 mph. Temperatures are low in the morning, in the upper 30s. They will eventually working their way up to about 50 degrees in the afternoon, the high of the day.


The forecasted rain will takes a brief pause in the late afternoon and evening, but will kick back up around 9pm and continue into the early morning. Of course, this is subject to change, but my personal recommendation to those planning on a Friday night out is to incorporate something waterproof into your outfit. Or don’t, and (maybe) get wet! The choice is yours.

Tomorrow (Saturday): Not Cold Rain 🙂

It’s almost as if Friday’s weather was copied and pasted. Winds will once again be out of the north, around 15 mph, and temperatures will reach a max of around 50 degrees. The only difference: a clear sky. Put away that raincoat (or leave it in your closet, for those who had the spirit of adventure on Friday night) and bust out your finest pair of sunglasses.

A Look Ahead:

This brief backslide into the colder temperatures ends as stated: brief. Temperatures spike back up on Monday, rising up to around 70 degrees, with a similar storyline for Tuesday. My loyal fans will recall that a month ago, I wrote about how Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring for us, but is only right about 36% of the time. Well, it looks like the groundhog reigns supreme in 2020. All hail Spring.

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