Morning Update: Cloudy Skies Prevail


While heat was the dominating trait of yesterdays weather, cloudy skies will prevail today. We can expect to experience drier conditions in the morning with slight northerly winds. As Dorian moves along the coast of the Carolinas our area will experience an abundance of clouds in the sky. Temperatures will drop some in comparison to yesterday, with a high of 79 degrees F.


While you may not need your umbrellas this morning, make sure to keep it in your bag for tonight! As the outer limits of Dorian approach, some areas of Maryland have a chance of late afternoon showers. The sky will remain cloudy, with temperatures dropping into the mid 60s. We will continue to experience a northerly wind at a speed of 8 miles per hour.

A Look Ahead:

The chances of showers continue into Friday, and temperatues will remai in the mid to upper 70s thoughout the day. As we move into the weekend, the skies clear up into mostly sunny conditions, just in time for Saturday’s football game!

Hurricane Dorian:

Hurricane Dorian continues to move along the coast of the Carolinas today. Flash flooding is a serious concern along coastal Georgia and the Eastern Carolinas. Storm surges are expected along the southern East Coast, possibly extending as far up as Richmond. Conitnue to monitor our forecasts for more information, and stay safe!

[Image of U.S. rainfall potential]
Image of U.S. rainfall potential as Dorian moves along the coast (via NHC)

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