Cool and Damp Wednesday Around the DMV

I think I’ve run out of adjectives that I can use to describe todays weather. Dreary? Check. Depressing? Check. Maybe we should go for some alliteration and just call it whiney Wednesday as I am sure the entire DC region is uttering the equivalent of a collective moan in response to todays conditions.

Unfortunately, we won’t see much improvement as the day progresses. Our forecast called for a high of 60 degrees today, but we won’t even reach that mark.

4-27 Satellite Imagery

Mid Atlantic visible satellite imagery (12:45pm)

Clouds remained caked in over the area, the result of a nearly stationary cold front that is about to stall out just to the south of us. An easterly wind component keeps us under the influence of the cool and moist maritime air. Despite the decrease in rain shower coverage, the thick cloud cover won’t break its grip for the remainder of the day. The result will be afternoon temperatures that will struggle and likely fall short of 60 degrees.

Modeled afternoon temperatures (3pm).

Modeled afternoon temperatures (3pm).

Tomorrow? Much of the same. Rain showers likely to affect all of us during the day. Otherwise, it will be cloudy and cool, just like this whiney Wednesday. Hang tight though. The weekend weather looks rather pleasant.